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One bedroom kabaga
iconKabaga Kawempe Wakiso Central

UGX 300,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

One bedroom kabaga
iconKabaga Kawempe Wakiso Central

UGX 300,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Two bedrooms kira
iconKira Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 950,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Two bedrooms kira
iconKira Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 950,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Single room
iconKampala kyebando Kyebando Kampala Central

UGX 200,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Two bedrooms apartment buwate
iconKulabilo kungu buwate Bulambiro Kampala Central

UGX 800,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Three Bedrooms stand alone
iconKira kito road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 1,800,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Two bedrooms two toilets half furnished kyanja
iconKyanja on kisasi road Kampala Central Kampala Central

UGX 2,300,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

5 Bedrooms stand alone
iconKisasi kyanja road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 3,500,000

bed-icon5 beds bath-icon5 baths toilet-icon5 Toilets

Bedroom and sitting room kawempwe kizikngiza
iconKawempwe tula road to kizikngiza Kawempe Wakiso Central

UGX 300,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Bedroom and sitting room kawempwe tula kizikngiza
iconKawempwe tula road to kizikngiza Kawempe Wakiso Central

UGX 250,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Nalyaa three bedrooms on sale
iconNalyaa lukande behind veina Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 270,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Stand alone three bedrooms mbalwa
iconMalwa namugongo road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 1,600,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Ntinda three bedrooms
iconKigowa Ntinda road Kigowa Kampala Central

UGX 1,500,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Three bedrooms duplex kungu
iconKulabiro kungu road Bulambiro Kampala Central

UGX 1,800,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Two bedrooms two toilets kulabilo
iconKulabiro road Bulambiro Kampala Central

UGX 1,400,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Studio rooms kyambogo apartments
iconKyambogo banda Kyambogo Kampala Central

UGX 350,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Two bedrooms deplexi kyambogo
iconKyambogo road Kyambogo Kampala Central

UGX 1,100,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Two bedrooms kyaliwajara town
iconKyaliwajara town Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 600,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

4 Bedrooms three bathrooms Ntinda stand alone
iconNtinda kigowa Kigowa Kampala Central

$ 1,300

bed-icon4 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Single room kitala kisasi
iconKitala kisasi Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 300,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Bedroom and sitting Ntinda
iconNtinda Kigowa Kampala Central

UGX 700,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

3 bedrooms stand alone in nalyaa
iconNalyaa estate Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 25,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Three bedrooms Mbalwa
iconMbalwa namugongo road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 1,300,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Kyanja bedroom and sitting
iconKisasi kyanja road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 1,000,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Three bedrooms in bweyogere
iconMbalwa bweyogere road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 1,500,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Single bedroom kyanja
iconKyanja on kisasi road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 1,200,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Five Bedrooms house on sale in kyanja
iconKisasi kyanja ring road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 1,500,000,000

bed-icon5 beds bath-icon5 baths toilet-icon5 Toilets

Two bedrooms two toilets apartment NAGULU
iconNakawa nagulu road Nakawa Kampala Central

$ 600

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Stand alone kyanja
iconKisasi kyanja road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 800,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Three bedrooms two toilets kyanja
iconKisasi kyanja road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 1,700,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

3 Bedrooms kyanja
iconKisasi kyanja ring road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 2,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Three bedrooms
iconUNBS bweyogere Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 1,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Studio rooms bukoto
iconBukoto sebagala road Bukoto Kampala Central

UGX 400,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Kyanja two bedrooms apartment
iconKisasi kyanja ring road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 2,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Two bedrooms nalyaa
iconQuality super market nalyaa Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 900,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Studio rooms kyaliwajara
iconKyaliwajara town namugongo road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 500,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Two bedrooms two toilets
iconMbalwa estate namugongo road Kira Wakiso Central

UGX 700,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Single room mpererwe
iconMpererwe off Gayaza road Gayaza Wakiso Central

UGX 300,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

Three bedrooms kawempwe kizikngiza
iconKawempwe tula road to kizikngiza Kawempe Wakiso Central

UGX 900,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Three bedrooms apartment
iconKulabiro road Bulambiro Kampala Central

UGX 1,500,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Three bedrooms kungu
iconKungu kulabilo road Bulambiro Kampala Central

UGX 2,000,000

bed-icon3 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon3 Toilets

Two bedrooms two toilets kisasi
iconKisasi road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 800,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

Newly built 3 bedrooms
iconMpererwe kitezi Gayaza Wakiso Central

UGX 800,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon3 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

iconKitezi mpererwe off Gayaza road Gayaza Wakiso Central

UGX 600,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

iconmpererwe Namere off Gayaza road Gayaza Wakiso Central

UGX 250,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

iconKyanja on kisasi road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 1,500,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

iconKyanja on kisasi road Kisaasi Kampala Central

UGX 500,000

bed-icon1 beds bath-icon1 baths toilet-icon1 Toilets

iconNamere off Gayaza road Gayaza Wakiso Central

UGX 1,500,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets

iconBukoto road Bukoto Kampala Central

UGX 2,500,000

bed-icon2 beds bath-icon2 baths toilet-icon2 Toilets